What is the meaning of Rola?

inflection of rolar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

wimp, wuss, pansy

slowcoach, slowpoke

to roll

arable field, farmland

to forge metal

to hammer

to undress

role (function, position or expected behaviour of something)

role; part (in a play, movie or other theatrical medium)

role; part (text spoken by an actor)

scroll (roll of paper or parchment)

arable land, ploughland; farmland

a dove of the genus Streptopelia

Eutinobothrus brasiliensis, a beetle inhabiting most of the Brazilian territory


inflection of rolar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

a song

inflection of rolar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

Source: wiktionary.org