What is the meaning of ?




on, against, touching; hanging from or being attached to (a vertical surface)

on (a certain day)

at (some abstract concepts)

at (concerning time)

in (a language or dialect)

turned on; functioning

on (touching from above or touching, hanging from)

on, against, touching; hanging from or being attached to (a vertical surface)

on (a certain day)

at (some abstract concepts)

at (concerning time)

in (islands and many towns that are not on the coast)

in (a language)

in (part of the day, time of day)

turned on; functioning



to (direction)


of (belonging)

on, on top of; touching from above

on, against, touching; hanging from or being attached to (a vertical surface)

on (a certain day)

at (some abstract concepts, and locations associated more with their purpose than architecture)

in (a language)

in (part of the day, time of day)

of (part of an object)

turned on; functioning

Source: wiktionary.org