What is the meaning of Mover?

Someone who or something that moves.

A dancer.

A person employed to help people move their possessions from one residence to another.

Someone who proposes a motion at a meeting.

A product that sells well.

to move

to move

to move

to move

to move

Alternative form of movoir

to move

to move (change position)

to induce; to persuade

to sue (file legal action)

to move (change the place of a piece)

to move (to cause to change place or posture)

to shake (e.g. to shake one's head, to shake one's tail feather)

to wiggle (e.g. one's ears, fingers, nose, toes)

to wag (e.g., an animal's tail wagging)

to move to, to cause to

to swing (e.g. a sword, a bat, a tennis racket, one's tail)

to move (to change place or posture)

to shift

to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel)

to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner)

to get a move on

to be moved (by a performance, etc.)

Source: wiktionary.org