What is the meaning of Genitive_absolute?

an independent phrase in a sentence conveying additional circumstances in the genitive case; present in many Indo-European languages, such as:

  1. in Ancient Greek, more frequent than the accusative absolute and the nominative absolute
  2. in Sanskrit later to the locative absolute
  3. in Avestan
  4. in Armenian
  5. in Tocharian, not so common
  6. in Middle Dutch, early modern Dutch and (vestigially) modern Dutch
  7. rarely in Middle High German

in Ancient Greek, more frequent than the accusative absolute and the nominative absolute

in Sanskrit later to the locative absolute

in Avestan

in Armenian

in Tocharian, not so common

in Middle Dutch, early modern Dutch and (vestigially) modern Dutch

rarely in Middle High German

Source: wiktionary.org