What is the meaning of Ess?

The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

Something shaped like the letter S. (See esses)

To move in a changing direction, forming the shape of a letter S.

ash (tree)

an ace

an ace

a high-performing] athlete


Alternative form of es (cataract, rapid) m

Alternative form of es (vessel) n

Alternative form of es (death)

Alternative form of es (ox)

clam, bivalve, mussel, bivalve shell

ass (donkey)

The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.



first-person singular present of essen

singular imperative of essen

second-person singular subjunctive present indefinite of esik

The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

bocal (on a bassoon)


ace; a card with one mark

ace; someone very proficient


The name of the Latin-script letter S/s.

Source: wiktionary.org