What is the meaning of Dwellen?

to make stray, to put on the wrong track

to torment

To dwell; to remain:

  1. To remain or stay (in a location)
  2. To live, reside, or inhabit.
  3. To become settled or established (with).

To remain or stay (in a location)

To live, reside, or inhabit.

To become settled or established (with).

To last; to persist:

  1. To remain or continue (in a condition)
  2. To be left; to remain in possession.
  3. To be left over; to remain (of a portion).

To remain or continue (in a condition)

To be left; to remain in possession.

To be left over; to remain (of a portion).

To delay; to procrastinate.

To linger or wait.

To withhold; to desist from something.

Source: wiktionary.org