What is the meaning of Compound?

An enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined.

An enclosure for secure storage.

A group of buildings situated close together, e.g. for a school or block of offices.

Composed of elements; not simple.

Dealing with numbers of various denominations of quantity, or with processes more complex than the simple process.

An octave higher than originally (i.e. a compound major second is equivalent to a major ninth).

Anything made by combining several things.

A substance formed by chemical bonding of two or more elements in definite proportions by weight.

A substance made from any combination of ingredients.

A lexeme that consists of more than one stem.

A legal procedure whereby a criminal or delinquent avoids prosecution in a court in exchange for his payment to the authorities of a financial penalty or fine.

A lexeme that consists of more than one stem or an affix, e.g. "bookshop", "high school" or "non-standard".

A compound locomotive, a steam locomotive with both high-pressure and low-pressure cylinders.

Short for compound exercise.

To form (a resulting mixture) by combining different elements, ingredients, or parts; to mingle with something else.

To settle by agreeing on less than the claim, or on different terms than those stipulated.

To settle amicably; to adjust by agreement.

To come to terms of agreement; to settle by a compromise.

To compose; to constitute.

To increase in value with interest, where the interest is earned on both the principal sum and prior earned interest.

To worsen a situation.

Of a horse: to fail to maintain speed.

Source: wiktionary.org