What is the meaning of Bunt?

The middle part, cavity, or belly of a sail; the part of a furled sail which is at the center of the yard.

A push or shove; a butt.

A ball that has been intentionally hit softly so as to be difficult to field, sometimes with a hands-spread batting stance or with a close-hand, choked-up hand position. No swinging action is involved.

The act of bunting.

The second half of an outside loop, from level flight to inverted flight.

A fungus (Ustilago foetida) affecting the ear of cereals, filling the grains with a foetid dust.

To push with the horns; to butt.

To spring or rear up.

To intentionally hit softly with a hands-spread batting stance.

To intentionally hit a ball softly with a hands-spread batting stance.

To perform (the second half of) an outside loop.

To swell out.

To headbutt affectionately.

spotted, speckled

multi-colored; colorful; variegated

mixed, varied, heterogeneous

bundle, bunch

bundle, bunch

motley, variegated, multicolored



mutiny, revolt

rebellion (attitude of rejecting authority)

revolt, rebellion


a bundle, a bunch (often of broad and flat or long and narrow objects, for example a stack of paper)

Soft mutation of punt.


Source: wiktionary.org