What is the meaning of Biter?

Agent noun of bite; someone or something who bites or tends to bite.

A fish that tends to take bait.

A stone that barely touches the outside of the house.

One who copies someone else's work, style or techniques, especially in hip-hop.

A cheat or fraudster.

A zombie.

Something (a data unit, machine etc.) with a width of a specified amount of bits.

Alternative form of bitter (to understand)

to humiliate, con, dupe, deceive

to touch

a biter, someone who bites

indefinite plural of bit

present tense of bite

(non-standard since 2012) present tense of bita

bitter (taste etc.)

bitter, severe, painful, biting

third-person plural future passive conjunct of benaid


bitter (a bitter drink)

bitter, sour (of taste)

present indicative of bita

third-person singular indicative aorist of bitmek

Source: wiktionary.org