What is the meaning of Lapp?

Lappish, Lapp (of, or pertaining to the Lapps, their language, or Lapland)

Lapp (person)

Lapp, Lappish (language)

a patch

a note, small piece of paper

a driver's license

a type of small, thick pancake

a Lapp, Sami person; person of the Sami people


a note, small piece of paper

a driver's license

a type of small, thick pancake

a Lapp, Sami person; person of the Sami people

a patch, a piece of any flexible material, used to cover a hole in something; such as a piece of fabric used over a hole in a piece of clothing

a small piece of paper; a slip, a note; often used as slang for körkort (driver's licence)

a Lapp, a Sami person; a person of the Sami people

Source: wiktionary.org